“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Wednesday, December 5, 2012




a PTSD - a post-traumatic stress disorder
to dwindle - diminish gradually in size, amount or shape
searing - extremely hot or intense

II. Watch the video for the first time and answer the questions:
  • What rituals do the Klansmen enact nowadays?
  • Who are the Klansmen?
  • In what connection are the two places (Martinsville, VA and Tupelo, MS) mentioned in the video?
  • What message are the Klansmen trying to send to the society?
  • What are the statistics on the KKK provided by the Southern poverty law center?
  • Who is Steven Howard? What opinion does he express on the minority groups in the USA?
  • Why do the reporters follow Howard to the remote location?
III. Watch the video again and fill in the missing words:
  1. For those of you who think burning crosses and hooded rallies are ... of the ... ... ..., think again. Hate groups in america have ... in the past decade and it may surprise you who is among their ... and what their ... is.
  2. And the lights fade, they enact a ritual over a century old, but is fresh and ... as the flame they ... .
  3. Klansmen are known as the ... ... for a reason. They thrive in secrecy, almost never permitting ... ... .
  4. Over the past four months, "nightline" has been granted rare access to the ... .... Their rituals, their people, their message of ... ... .
  5. Many of the Klanspeople we've talked to say Barack Obama has been our single most effective ... ... in the last four, five years.
  6. It's dangerous, not so much because a whole ... of Klansmen get together in a room and plan to murder 1,000 people with a bomb so, you know, it's the ... ... characters that get frustrated with their leaders that break away, you know, one day, walk out of their house and start shooting. 
  7. When we come back, the burning cross that's ... people for generations. And the ... ... the Klan is sending in the era of a black president. 

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